Τρίτη 16 Οκτωβρίου 2018

Liberal "witches"

I have said a million times that no serious witch mixes religion and politics in a way that means following politicians like sheep...
A witch is made to rule over the spiritual plane and to have the material plane under control and not the opposite. It 's sad that idiotic politicians control some of us and use us for advertisement and crowd control. Spells against Trump or Kavanaugh will most probably backfire on those that cast them because both Trump and Kavanaugh are clearly victims of FALSE acusations since those who acuse them use what supposedly happened for TEMPORARY political use and don't insist after that, they forget it when it 's no longer usefull...
But what really matters here is NOT the STUPID political fight of Democrats and Republicans, it is the really disturbing fact that these silly spells and their publicity make the witches community appears a part of Democrat Party. A party that is hardly better than the communists and that troubled America many times in its history.
We don't share common values with them and witchcraft is NOT compatible with godless communism. 
We, as witches, don't agree with fundamental values of marxism. Seeking supernatural magickal powers and CONTROL of both spiritual and material means that we don't believe in forced equality of marxism, but seek that power for ourselves because we simply don't believe we are equals and want more for ourselves. So if anyone is marxist, he should go to christianity and there he will be equal sheep. We are the inequal wolves and certainly not sheep. 
We have secrecy and don't teach our craft to everybody. None has "equal rights" to our craft, it is our copyrighted spiritual PROPERTY. So, we believe in property while Marxism does not.
Atheist "witches" are not witches. Witches have gods and goddesses. Those who say that there are no rules, no right or wrong in witchcraft are merely uneducated liberal and communist posers, placed inside the witchcraft community by the Democrats to control it. Witchcraft is done inside a TRADITION based on a PAGAN RELIGION with certain GODS and GODDESSES. Got that comrads?
The Witchcraft Community is now in great danger to become a tool of Democrat propaganda and witches will soon become like clown characters for political events and celebrations. We need to clean up our community from political posers and restore our religious dignity.

2 σχόλια:

  1. WELL SAID! As a witch who is born and raised in America, this has been the case for at least 30 years or so here! It disgusts me to no end how ignorant some people are ... and witches/pagans should KNOW BETTER than to mix politics and religion! PERIOD!!!
